Our doors are open to everyone, providing a welcoming space for fellowship, spiritual growth, and community engagement. As well as church-led groups, we also rent out our facilities to local user groups.
Join us to connect, grow, and make a positive impact in our community.
Village Prayer Group
The Village Prayer Group meets every Wednesday, 7pm-8pm in Arnside Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. Prayer requests can be left in the prayer corner at the back of the church.
Bible Study
There are 2 Bible study groups attached to Arnside Methodist Church…
Monday Evening Bible Study
2nd & 4th Mondays, 7:15pm-8:45pm in the Church Hall.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Starts 12th September and every other week thereafter, 10am-11:30am.
Monday Friendship Group
Monday Friendship Group meets in the Church Hall on the 1st & 3rd Mondays, 2pm-4pm.
Speakers from 2pm, followed by refreshments, tea and cake and then an opportunity to chat to friends.
Lifts available, contact Pam (762928) or Eileen (761720) or click below to see the programme for 24/25.
Busy Bees – Baby & Toddler Group
Wednesdays, 10am-11:30am (during term time), in the Church Hall.
All babies, pre-school children, parents and carers welcome. 50p per session, includes refreshments.
Messy Church
2nd Friday of every month
Methodist Church Hall
Includes: crafts, games, celebration and a 2 course meal.
Sight Advice
Meetings held on the 3rd Monday of the month, from 10.30 – 12 noon. The Group provides practical and social support for people with visual impairment.
For more information contact Tony Rees – 01524 761478
Arnside Guide Unit
The Guides meet in the Church Hall on Tuesday evenings during term time from 7.30-9.00pm.
Pilates with Joanne
Church Hall
Thursdays: 9:30am – 10:30am /
6:30pm – 7:30pm
For more information contact:
Joanne Holgate
07970 243711
Age UK – Seated Exercise Class
Every Friday 10 – 11am, in the church hall, followed by coffee and biscuits.
Exercises for the over 50’s.
Stay active and healthy with gentle exercises in sitting and standing using weights and bands, aimed at improving your mobility, fitness and strength. £2.50 per session.
For more information contact:
Eileen – 01524 761720